The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171385   Message #4145065
Posted By: Backwoodsman
22-Jun-22 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Interesting for dog owners!
Subject: RE: BS: Interesting for dog owners!
"My view is that dogs should be on a lead"

I mostly agree, with the exception of occasions where dogs are being exercised in enclosed areas where off-lead is permitted (we have an enclosed ex-school-field close by with permissive access, which has a notice on the gate from the estate-owners warning that dogs may be exercised off-lead, and advising that individuals enter at their own risk), or other large, open areas such as beaches where dogs are specifically permitted (there are several on the Lincs. coast which are comparatively secluded and well away from the main 'family'-type beaches)

Otherwise, dogs should be under control on a lead (leash, for our US friends!) at all times, precisely to prevent the kind of close contact that Steve is afraid of.

Even at home, my dog remains in my enclosed garden which I have made escape-proof (even for a Canine Houdini like a Border Terrier!) and, on walks anywhere other than the areas I have mentioned, he's kept on the lead which is attached to a 'Ruffwear' harness from which he cannot wriggle free.

We do use a 6-metre extending lead, but both my wife and I take the utmost care to ensure that it doesn't become extended excessively and, when there are people, or dogs, or both, within fifteen or twenty metres he is 'reeled-in' and the mechanism locked at its shortest length of 2 metres.

I also agree that dog-ownership is made far too easy in the UK, and that owners need to be aware that owning a dog carries significant responsibilities. To that end, I believe that the annual licence requirement should be reinstated at a significant cost - say £100 pa - (although I wouldn't object to it remaining free to anyone on State Pension).