The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171391   Message #4145147
Posted By: GUEST,A broadside hack
23-Jun-22 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: New Fisherman's Friends movie announced
Subject: New Fisherman's Friends movie announced
It's the news you've all been waiting for: Fisherman's Friends have announced a new movie, following hot on the heels of their debut cinema smash.

Says John Cleeve, a founding member of Cornwall’s best-known sea shanties group, “Without sounding too biblical about it there have been two comings of The Fisherman’s Friends. First when we got discovered and got the recording contract and all that, and that gradually over the years faded, then when the movie came out and we got a taste of it all over again. But through all that excitement we’ve managed to keep hold of ourselves and realise we’re popular because we are what we are, not because of anything we might think we are afterwards.”

You can see the new trailer in this Tradfolk article. Enjoy!