The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #170900   Message #4146305
Posted By: robomatic
04-Jul-22 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wordle
Subject: RE: BS: Wordle
Abandon spoilers ye who enter here. . .

I started with my usual somewhat thoughtless gay hope that a random monosyllable with no more than a vowel diphthong would get me in with a couple. But I gaped as the grey bloks bobbed up one by one, until the final:   GREEN!. Actually, the penultimate letter was GREEN. The ultima thule was another grey. So with my standard tactic of finding another word with another vowel and three or four alphabetic newcomers I ventured anew: And got greyballed.

I was now two words in, and one common vowel green. I faced a keyboard of few prospects. I tightened my sinews and went for a thrid word, one with NO previously posed letters. At a medium pace the squares filled: Grey, grey, grey, grey, pale yellow. Pale Yellow! Maybe I had a new possibility. A new hope, like a radiation free zone on our poisoned planet. But.... it was no vowel.

And so, with all vowels tried and y-ed I re-entered the fray. On the fourth 'down' I figured I had to re-position the consonant, and, a thing I had barely thought of, but now was compelled to venture, double the vowel. The empty squares became blocks... GREEN. GREY. YELLOW. GREEN! GREY. I had positioned two letters and established a double vowel. Common letters all, but at the completion of the fourth try there was new hope.

But only two tries left. I would have to find the place for the vowel and come up with two new cons. Could this happen. The yawning sixth try was only a couple of tries away.

And now there was nothing left but pure luck as my weakest link appeared - brain work! I had to think of likely words that could fill the places and spaces of my wordle hurdle. This could take hours, or....well over five minutes. Wee the double vowels something that could occur together. Or apart Coult there actually be three of the suckers? I wrestled with the conundrum for a minute. Then another minute. A minute passed in between.

I felt adrift in time, my only stability supplied by the mattress firmly under my spine. If only gravity could talk! Intelligently!
I thought of a word. A word that would fit. It would have the vowels, the one I had placed and the one at large. It included two new consonants. I tried fiercely for about two seconds to think of another word that would serve. I could not think of one. But had I tried enough?

I was out of patience. It HAD to be right. It was kind of a dirty word, but after all, we're playing with the New York Times here! Every parrot needs a cage liner...
So I tried this try. I wordled.
GREEN. But this was a known known green. GREEN! I had the second vowel placed!

GREYYYY!! My world went dark as the phone started to time out...A nuAmbing kind of numbness began to whelm. I was on a suspension bridge at mid span and the bottom was a kind of Squid-game glass that was cracking below my feet....time was not. As my breathing was stilled the other returns came in....

One letter and one try left.
One letter to rule them all?
My tactic is half brilliance. Half elimination. Had I eliminated enough to save myself in the last gasp? I went through the available letters. No. Way. In. Hell. But. Maybe. This. One.
There was one likely leftover. One symmetrical con.
I won't lie. I cried a little as I filled the blocks. I was seconds from failure or success. Which would it be? Almost nothing was riding on this press on the submit icon.
But there was some hope. Some fear of failure. Some doubt as to whether I could lie successfully to the folks at Starbucks...


Was it victory sublime? More a sweaty relief.

I will have to leave it here. I am so overcome with emotion, this is the high note for me to leave with.


(Leave us speak not of the bloodbath that was QUORDLE.)