The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #103138   Message #4146765
Posted By: GUEST,Woody Brison (qv. on YouTube)
08-Jul-22 - 06:43 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea
I heard this song on YT sung by a couple of guys with a mandolin. Their harmonies are excellent. I swizzled some of the words around. Not sure about some of these rhymes, any suggestions?

1. Where has our sailor gone?
Oh where has our sailor gone?
It's many a day since his ship sailed away
And the lonely time grows long

2. If only my burdened mind
Some token of peace could find
If only the sea would tell me where he be
But nary a hint or sign

The ocean abounds with danger
And if the truth be told
There's many a man who's never seen again
And the winds blow so icy cold

3. What say you, deep blue sea?
Oh what say you, deep blue sea?
It heaves and it sighs but there's no reply
And my sailor remains unseen

4. Oh captain, tell me true
Does our sailor sail with you?
No, love, HE dinnae sail with me
He sleeps in the ocean blue   (chorus)

5. I stand on the beach and brood
And gaze at the windy blue
As you cradle your guest and hold him to your breast
Does he mention my name to you?   (chorus)

6. One day the sea's deep bed
Is going to give up its dead
Our sailor's smile is gone for a while
But one day   we'll   see   him   again