The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31761   Message #414823
10-Mar-01 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: Inherited musical ability
Subject: RE: Inherited musical ability
My maternal grandfather played classical guitar and Italian Folk music, my Paternal grandmother played russian and Jewish folk music on a zither, my father played "stride" piano and the banjo mandolin, I play guitar, 5=string banjo, steel guitar, mandolin, and bass. I also sing, have a repertoire of over a thousand songs from Italian opera to bluegrass and everything in between. My three children and my wife are all professional folk singers and musicians. We all write songs.(my wife is certainly the best at that) My wife's father played the ukelele and her maternal granmother played "barrelhouse" piano, her uncle was a Jesuit that the church sent to Juliard and graduated with a Bachelor of fine arts degree in voice. He also wrote and arranged music for Fred Waring, with the church's blessing.

You know, I think there may be something to this genetics thing.