The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171501   Message #4148242
Posted By: GUEST,John R
24-Jul-22 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: Sheffield Song Session
Subject: Sheffield Song Session
I'm starting this thread after walking across town to attend the famous Kelham Island Singing session and finding it seemingly discontinued.

I feel the need to do a bit more research. I can't seem to find much about any current sheffield song sessions online so would be intersted to hear if anyone has any knowledge of one. I've been to several sessions in other cities this year that were thriving so it would be a great shame if Sheffield continued without one.

I know that Covid is still a concern for everybody but I think if people are sensible and don't come to sing with cold and flu symptoms we could all keep relatively safe.

I've had an interest in starting a session focused on traditional song for a while so If there aren't any happening, I am likely to start my own and see how it goes. I this does occur I'll do my best to publicise it.

