The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31761   Message #414974
Posted By: GUEST,Dancing Mom
10-Mar-01 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: Inherited musical ability
Subject: RE: Inherited musical ability
Sure, genes play a part, and a genetic predisposition for musical ability can be very helpful for someone interested in it. But a person needs the interest, the opportunities for practice, and encouragement throughout life to make it happen (the nurture). My oldest child is a talented musician (strong family history). But what I thought was pretty cool was that I took a music theory class in college while I was well advanced in my pregnancy with her. At 10 a.m. every day I would go to class and while I was studying all this music my child would AWAKEN and become extremely active. She's always been a quick study ,which can be a little irritating to those of us who struggle sometimes. Coincidence or not?