The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #498   Message #4149769
Posted By: GUEST
08-Aug-22 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: ADD: I'm an Old Cowhand (from the Rio Grande)
Subject: ADD: I'm an Deckhand (Tony & Celia Becker)
Per the request of Joe Offer, here is our song:

©2015 Tony & Celia Becker
Tune: of I'm An Old Cowhand ©1936 Leo Feist/©1964 Johnny Mercer
Recorded by Bing Crosby with Jimmy Dorsey, 1936 (#2)

Avast! ye pack of hen-hearted Landlubbers, let an swaggering sea dog get past,
I'm the meanest swashbuckler you'll ever meet, though I won’t be the last.
Aye, we’re a prosperin’ breed, with more comin’ along.
Make way, ye belly-crawling wharf-rats, while I sing my song.

I'm an old Deckhand from a Pirate Band,
But my eye ain't patched and my cheeks ain't tanned,
I'm a sailor, who ain’t never been to sea,
Never tied a knot or sung a sea chantey,
I just sit in the pub drinking’ rum and tea.
Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho! Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho!

I'm an old Deckhand from a Pirate Band,
And I learned to sail 'fore I learned to stand,
I know every port on the Seven Seas
From Madagascar to Saint Augustine,
'Cause I learnt them all watching Jeopardy.
Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho! Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho!

I'm an old Deckhand from a Pirate Band,
My boots are new and my duds are grand,
They’re from every sea but they ain’t been wet,
They’re authentic cloth and period correct,
'Cause I found them all on the Internet.
Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho! Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho!

I'm an old Deckhand from a Pirate Band
And my blades are sharp ‘nuf to slice smoked ham,
My Dirks bejeweled with crystal rare,
My Cutlass the finest Pakistani ware
'Cause I bought them both at a Renaissance Faire!
Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho! Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho!

I'm an old Deckhand from a Pirate Band
And I’ve dug for gold in the Florida sand,
Got my hair done up all in tight cornrows,
Heavy eye-liner ‘n fake teeth with holes,
'Cause I copied them all from Jack Sparrow
Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho! Yo-ho-yo-ho-ho