The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31795   Message #415143
Posted By: Naemanson
11-Mar-01 - 09:26 AM
Reggie, I don't think you understand what I am saying. We don't limit the open mike to amateurs. Pros are welcome. But look at what you said. "Musicians may wish to use the venue to test some new material out before a live audience, like a rehearsal." Why shouldn't they pay a minimal fee to experiment on their audience?

What I was saying is that the open mike is one of the few ways an amateur will be able to perform before a live audience. Why shouldn't they pay for the chance.

Plus, the performer's stage time is limited to a few songs/tunes. The rest of the time they are audience. Shouldn't they pay for the privelege of seeing the rest of the show?

And you are right, the open mike is a way for a venue to audition for talented individuals to be featured acts in the future. We have used it that way for years. How else would talented amateurs get to be semi pros? Once again, they should pay for that opportunity, not because it is an opportunity but because it will keep the venue going for others as well.

Look at the opening post on this thread. The end result is that they lost their venue. At this stage in the game it no longer matters who should or shouldn't pay because no one can play at the open mike. I get the sense that there is no other venue in that area. Who loses? Everyone.

Finally you wrote, "A friend once told me that if they pay you $25 for playing, they treat you like you're worth $25. If they pay you $250, you get treated like $250 and if they pay you $2500 you get treated accordingly. It is sadly therefore understandable that if you get paid nothing...."

Sadly, that is true. I have been on the receiving end of that. But keep in mind that the atmosphere and treatment of people is everyone's personal responsibility. In my coffeehouse I treat everyone as though they are special. I don't care if they are professional quality or can't carry a tune in a bucket, they are all equal in my coffeehouse. Why?

They are the reason my coffehouse exists. All of them. They support the venue and it is theirs. I only set out chairs and tables and lay out the sound system. I only make it available but without them I wouldn't be there doing it. And I wouldn't feel the joy of knowing that everyone in the audience is enjoying themselves. I know it becuae they paid to be there and thereby made the conscious choice to participate.

My profit comes when people thank me for doing the work. My profit comes from the feeling I get when I see the smile on their faces. My profit comes from seeing a teenager on stage, scared, mouth dry, strumming his new guitar and trying to remember the chords while the audience listens in rapt silence. Damn, I love doing that work!

Sorry to go on like that but this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart.