The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163442   Message #4153008
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
19-Sep-22 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Armchair Archaeologist (via Google Earth)
Subject: RE: Armchair Archaeologist (via Google Earth)
Yes - that Gaza find is fascinating, but only a half-mile from the trumped-up Israeli border - lets hope this find is treated well and stays with Gaza.
Several discoveries have been made in recent years. Due to a lack of funds and expertise, Gaza has usually invited international groups to help with the process of excavation and preservation.

And one the Egyptian burial cave, I see that
The cave has been resealed and is under guard while archaeologists develop a plan to excavate it, the IAA said.

It said "a few items" had been looted between its discovery and when it was closed.

That cave probably needs a large security detail at this point, and watch for people tunneling in from the side. Someone needs to guard the guards.