The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31845   Message #415415
Posted By: Deckman
11-Mar-01 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
Subject: RE: We won with Henry Martin! From Adam
To Adam from Deckman .... GOOD ON YOU! Why am I not surprised! Obviously your enthusiam caught on with everyone and your hours of planning and practice were rewarded. I'd like to suggest a few more ballads to explore. These may or may not catch your interest, but they have captured my interest over the years. Another ballad in the same adventursome spirit is "Brennon the Moor." This ballad is from England. Then there is "The Pirate Song" ("My boats by the tower, My barks on the bay), much more romantic, but again, the absence of details are delicous)((also from England)). I would also suggest a poem, "The Hiwaymen", by Alred Noyes (as I recall). And ... the great American tale of "John Henry" ... and a wonderful ballad from Canada, "Peter Amberly." Your school teachers and librarians will help you find these, I'm sure. By the way, I do worry a little that so many mudcatters may suggest so many interesting ballads to you that you will feel overwhelmed ... we are an enthusiatic bunch. Again, congradulations ... keep it up. CHEERS, the deckman