The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171737   Message #4154483
Posted By: Donuel
09-Oct-22 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fractals
Subject: BS: Fractals
Fractals are more than pretty little pictures. Imagine fractal cameras with infinite resolution. I can foresee a computer program that could explore infinite variations of new alloys. The commercial applications are profound. Fractal mathematics gives impetus to my notion of a collective consciousness we can share beyond the internet.
This theory of everything geometric is not a sudden epiphany since the ideas have been here and cooking for decades. But I do consider the fine constant ratio of 1 over 137 has something to do with fractals. Look it up if you are curious.
Early pre Cambrian multicellular life included 6 ft tall rangeomorphs that were entirely fractal.