The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171733   Message #4154527
Posted By: rich-joy
09-Oct-22 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: non-music thread for all things pumpkins
Subject: RE: BS: non-music thread for all things pumpkins
Helen, I recall my late Beloved saying that he'd never eaten Pumpkin until he emmigrated to Oz, bcoz he'd grown up in Liverpool being told it was only pig food!! He learned to love it and esp roasted.
Whereas I hated it as a kid in West Aussie as the main(only) variety was "Jarrahdale" and it was often "woody/stringy" - which was not nice!!

I s'pose this is not the thread then, to mention that Thom Moore's Pumpkinhead and esp their "Wedding Dress" track was a folk favourite for us here, for years???!!!

Okay.    My recipe for a spicy hot Pumpkin Soup (aka "Chend's Mountain Red") was in the Mudcat 2003 bestseller cookbook "Whiskey Before Breakfast" :)
Maybe it's time to revisit the idea of Mudcat Cookbooks?!       Or Not.

Cheers! R-J