The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13706   Message #4156687
Posted By: Steve Gardham
29-Oct-22 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: Origin: Soon May the Wellerman Come
Subject: RE: Origin: Soon May the Wellerman Come
If it was written c1972 as many of us suppose using the tune of Lightning Tree then 'lazy' is not the word. The writers of most traditional songs did exactly this, patching together bits and pieces from older ballads and utilising existing tunes, and I might add existing themes and formats. Colquhoun was being quite 'astute' here and even though his motives were slightly different he was following in a long-running tradition, or even traditions, those of the broadside writer and those of Bert Lloyd et al.

The only criticism I have of Colquhoun is he didn't put his name to it, if HE wrote it that is. I employ similar methods in my own song writing, and so do many others, but I usually stick my name on the end.