The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31843   Message #415688
Posted By: Gervase
12-Mar-01 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Before I die, I wish....
Subject: RE: BS: Before I die, I wish....
To crew on a square-rigger and to see my son and daughter grow up secure, happy and contented in a sane and caring society. Not necessarily in that order.
All very much more grown up than a similar "to do" list I did ages ago which I found recently. It read:
1: To shag each of the Nolan sisters. 2: To find out why a curry house in Willesden keeps inviting me to "special openings".
3: To write the definitive 21st Century English novel
4: To try to recall what the bloody hell I was doing between 1984 and 1990 and to make the relevant apologies to all concerned if necessary. Particularly to the staff and stewards at Lingfield and Cheltenham race-courses.

It's nice to raise one's horizons with age. And no, I didn't realise any of those earlier ambitions!