Gotcha! ;-) No, really, I need some advice on how to make the impending move to our new house the least traumatic for my four cats. I don't expect the two younger ones, Maxie (2 yrs.) and Jack (3 yrs.), to have any problems at all. It's my older cats, Bonzai (14 yrs.) and Tigger (13 yrs.), that I'm worried about.Bonzai has recently been diagnosed with severe hyperthyroidism, and the condition has caused him to lose 40% of his body weight. I have to watch him carefully for dehydration problems, too. Tigger is my 'under the bed' cat - she does not react well to any change in the status quo. When my old friend, Clyde (the wonder dog), died suddenly in August, she had what the vet called a 'nervous breakdown', losing her hair and breaking out in an ugly rash. She's recovered now, though she's still extremely skittish; but, she's also extremely overweight.
Knowing how many of you 'Catters are owned by your feline friends, I know that I can count on some good advice. The 'big day' is three weeks away, and I want it to go as smoothly as possible for the four-legged, as well as the two-legged members, of the family.
Thanks muchly in advance, Áine