The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31868   Message #415771
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Mar-01 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Sorcha's got the right idea, Aine, only don't lock them in their cubbies. Just leave the cubbies out for them to explore and go in and out of on their own, with a favourite blankie to entice. That way they get used to them and are not totaly freaked when they do get enclosed.

Leave them til last; the day of, or even the day before, the day of, lock them in a room with their cubbies, food, and boxes, preferably a room they've already been used to being in; leave them there with strict instructions to everyone to NOT let them out. I usually put a big sign on the door and we've emptied that room beforehand.

Once you have darn near everything moved into the new house, put them in their crates and bring them to a specific room in the new one, in which you can lock them and their stuff, until things calm down a bit. Then, as Sorcha said, leave the room open so that they can come out and explore on their own, even hiding out for a few days, just warn everyone to be extra careful with doors, etc.,so they don't get out.

You can get tranqs for them, but I don't recommend it. The dosage can get tricky...I once moved with a loose Siamese and a 2 week old baby in the car. The dose was wrong and she spent the entire time with her claws out lurching around the car clawing everything in site to gain balance, except for the wee one. I drove in the middle of the night, from Colorado to Wyoming, with my coat wrapped around my right arm to keep her from me and driving. Of course, I was a lot stupider in those days and didn't have crates!

I have flown from Wyoming to CT with six cats, a dog, 2 birds, and 3 kids; moved same 5 times from MA to CT; and then driven with 7 cats, one dog, 5 birds and one kid from CT to WY the last big move we made, then one across town move since then.

I've done with old cats, young cats, fraidy cats and bold cats and they have ALL survived, despite frailty and one that fluttered in fear like Aunt Pitty-Pat in Gone With The Wind, whom she was named after.

The best thing you can do for them is be calm and be quick. Get it over with as quickly as possible, the ride I mean, and get them settled. Cats are a lot more adjustable than they would like us to believe and will settle in once they know they are secure with you.

I didn't do the butter on the paws, but food and water, esp. moist food is a very important way to greet them when in the new home. It's a comfort and something they will eventually come out of hiding for.

Oh and my brother's cat has been on meds for over ayear now with hyperthyroidism and is doing really well. He even reminds my bro that it is time and sits to wait for his pill!

They will do fine, honey. Just gve them lots of strokes and reassuring murmurs, but be firm about them being locked up in the rooms and the crates from house to house.

And, please let us know how it goes. COngratulations on getting it!
