The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31868   Message #415884
Posted By: gnu
12-Mar-01 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Excellent advice. Now here's one you which you may already be aware of, especially what with the trips to the vet and all, but I'll mention it anyway.

When being transpoted, each of my three cats would let out a rythmic, gutteral, mournful cry which really bothered me. The only things that seemed to soothe them were two : 1) Someone they knew to talk to them and put a finger through the carrier door so that they knew they were not alone during the terrifying trip, and; 2) Being able to see more than a dashboard or the back of a seat.

Even with those two "amenities", they still had a hard time. I urge you to have a friend drive while you soothe the cats. That way, you won't be too distracted from your driving.

Oh yeah, corner slowly. Cats hate cornering if they can't see - try closing your eyes in a vehicle sometime and see how it feels.
