The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171914   Message #4159276
Posted By: GUEST,John Bari
30-Nov-22 - 05:08 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
Subject: Origins: Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?
I'm trying to find the original lyrics of "Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone" by Septimus Winner, 1864. Online sources mostly give the song short shrift as a 'children's song.' Two of them give expanded lyrics which don't look childrenish at all. One has lyrics suggesting the dog wandered onto a construction site and disappeared. The other calls this a drinking song and, in a rather offensive Germanesque pigeon English, talks about dogs (and horses) being used to make sausages. Both sets of lyrics are attributed to Septimus Winner, but it seems unlikely both would be by the same songwriter. Anyone have a source that confirms what Winner actually wrote?