The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31868   Message #416063
Posted By: GUEST,
12-Mar-01 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Hi Aine,

We moved from OK to OR, then OR to TX. The first time was with four cats on a plane. All four made the trip fine, but the youngest surprisingly ended up with the liver problems brought on by stress. We ended up putting her down about a month after we arrived in OR.

The second move worked out a good deal better as far as everyone not having any complications.

Also, last summer helped my best friend to move from OK to TN--in a truck. Not fun. Trust me, flying is quicker--everyone is afraid of it, but you arrive with much less stress on your nerves and the cats.

I agree with the statement about carriers. THey are essential. Lock your cats up the morning of the move and keep them either in a carrier or a room with a BIG sign on the door. I prefer to move the cats last, myself. BUT you often do not have that option.

Give them extra love and know you will pAY AND PAY AND PAY for inconveniencing them.

Be certain to have dirty clothing, favorite toys, etc so the cats are quickly familiar with their new environment.

GOod luck!