The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31868   Message #416080
Posted By: Áine
12-Mar-01 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
I knew I could count on good cat advice from 'Catters! Beaucoups thanks to everyone for your sage advice (or should that be catnip advice?). *BG*

Thanks to you all for the congrats on getting the house; but, we ain't there yet . . .

Dear Hubby came back from the termite/structural/roof/foundation inspection this morning with a little bad news. The foundation inspector saw some things 'that could be a problem', and suggested that we call in an independent engineer for a second opinion. Our option period ends at close of business this Friday, and the sellers have been rather tight-fisted about other things; thus, leading us to assume that they may not agree to pay for the second inspection or give us an allowance for any repairs that may need to be done. Now I know why I haven't moved in 20 years . . . if I was a cat, I'd be the one losing my hair and breaking out in a rash!!!

Well, back to the important folks, the cats -- We only have one cat carrier, so I might be taking Wesley's offer to borrow his. As far as keeping them in one room; well, this ought to be interesting . . . you see, I forgot to mention that the ladies, Tigger (fixed) and Maxie (not fixed), do not get along, and it's not a pretty site when they get too close to one another. Any ideas??

Cudos and thanks again for all your great suggestions, Áine