The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167618   Message #4161040
Posted By: Donuel
02-Jan-23 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: New news *not* about the virus
Subject: RE: BS: New news *not* about the virus
The Ritz Carlton has been launched to sea. For an ultra-Ritzy luxury cruise with accouterments that far exceed any other yacht or cruise ship. They have canopies like hummingbird tongues on toast with caviar smoothies or dolphin fin soup with gold dusted croutons. The Celeocanthe filet is to die for. The beds have a magic fingers option attached to real escorts. The Navigation is run by the most advanced AI system and is powered by nuclear power pod engines.
The Ritz Carlton yacht

You will notice no life boats because it is unsinkable. The runabout is for the captain.