The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171994   Message #4161476
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
06-Jan-23 - 06:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: KISS keep it simple
Subject: RE: BS: KISS keep it simple
Sorry Donuel. I think it comes down to us communicating on different levels. Your explanation of particle theory is perfectly clear and your line "By now you see there is room for more speculations. It can be fun to explore new possibilities. Not by superstition but by things we know but perhaps can not yet measure." is a good description of how you work but, for me, the whole post is marred by obscure references.

"You almost have to suspend belief in some things like gravity since there is no observational evidence for the graviton." - Sorry but that does not make sense. Gravity exists and whether it exists because of the graviton or the gravy boat does not matter.

"We haven't measured all the theorized bosons but some of them have technicolor names" - WTF are technicolour names?

"If everything was symmetrical we would not exist but somewhere the symmetry broke and our universe became possible." Really? Is that a fact? I am no astrophysacist but I have never heard of that theory.

Those are just three of the things that are arcane.

Let me tell you how I work through similar things. They are either fact or speculation. Speculation can become fact when knowledge is gained. Facts can be superceded by other facts as knowledge improves. I have no issue at all with saying 'I do not understand this' and when I do not understand it, I ask a couple of simple questions.

Do I need to understand it? If the answer is yes, I try to learn about it. If no, I defer to people who do

Do I want to understand it? If yes I will often pose questions like "WTF are technicolour names" (See - I DO want to understand :-) ) If no, I forget it.

I realised some time back that the older I get, the less I seem to know. It makes life interesting enough to know that things that happen every day to surprise or astound me. Some bad, but most of them good and all of them quite amazing.

I think you may have got the wrong idea about keeping things simple for me. I neither want nor need flowery or arcane language. Tell us what you think and why you think it, prefereably without stating opinions or theories as facts. We can make our own minds up. No one will think any the worse of you if you do not have 'special' powers. You are a very special person to many already. No need to try and impress others.