The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172033   Message #4162436
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
14-Jan-23 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: can you face a natural disaster?
Subject: RE: BS: can you face a natural disaster?
I'm not a member of the tinned-food-and-ammunition brigade either. That said, Herself did institute a "Brexit stash" well before the lorries started queueing at Dover, and it's been subject to stock rotation ever since, but has never been completely emptied: a present help in times of fluctuating supply. In my old trade, we used to call that "buffering", something the followers of Just In Time Manufacturing are rediscovering the hard way.

Meanwhile, back at the subject, humanity doesn't now have time to do anything else but panic about climate change; but for us as individuals, going looking for personal trouble merely invites it. Keeping a gun in the house "just in case" tends to increase the chances of accidents.