The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212   Message #4162814
Posted By: GerryM
18-Jan-23 - 05:08 AM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Songs, poems, readings, and instrumentals from the Mudcat Worldwide Zoom Singaround 16/17 January 2023, in the order in which they were presented. Thanks to Moorley Man for the items presented before I came in. Comments and corrections always welcome.

The Derby Ram
Will the Turtle be Unbroken? (ttto Will the Circle be Unbroken)
Salmon (poem)
Any Old Wind that Blows
The Pensioners’ Pantomime
When I First Came to This Land
Reinstalling Windows (ttto When I'm Cleaning Windows)
Drive the Cold Winter Away
Mon père avait un p’tit champ d’ pois ("My Father had a Small Field of Peas", in French)
We Shall Overcome
Follow the Drinking Gourd
Tá mé 'mo shuí ("I am Awake", in Irish Gaelic) (same tune as The Red-Haired Man's Wife, similar to Sisters of Mercy)
Battle of New Orleans
Poison Beer
Mary Brown Abolitionist
Capstan Bar
The Turtle (poem)
We Have a Dream
Follow That Road
Staying Out All Night
Rattlesnake Mountain
He Went to Sleep and the Hogs Ate Him
The Franco Prussian War of the Spanish Succession (read)
Mo Chailín Bán (My Comely Lass, in Irish Gaelic) (similar tune to Dawning of the Day, On Raglan Road)
Flowers of the Forest
Woody Knows Nothing
Rolling Home to Old New England
It Isn't Matter Any More
A Year, a Day, and Twice Forever
The Backlegs of the Cow
Scarlet Raygun
Streets of Laredo
MacCrimmon's Lament
The Merry Golden Tree (version of The Golden Vanity)
Pangur Bán (poem, "White Pangur")
Doc's Guitar (instrumental)
The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies, Eh
Shining Down on Sennen
The Old Cobbled Streets
Keys of Canterbury
In Contempt
My Granny's a Wild Flying Dove (ttto My Lady's a Wild Flying Dove)
The Old Churchyard
Frankie and Albert
Nevada Jane
Pretty Saro
Rosa Parks
All the Pretty Little Horses (aka Hush-a-Bye)
Hold On to Me Babe
Homegrown Tomatoes
They're Taking it Away
The Boys of Barr na Sraide
Worried Man Blues
Honeysuckle Rose
The January Woman (ttto The January Man)
Cossack Lullaby (in Russian)
I Am the Wind
The Hard Cheese of Old England
Louisiana 1927
May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You
Custard Creams (ttto John O' Dreams)