The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172076   Message #4163979
Posted By: GUEST,James
30-Jan-23 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Songs about chimney climbing boys
Subject: RE: Songs about chimney climbing boys
Geoff: I hadn't heard Sweep, Chimney Sweep before. I wonder what date it originates from, given that it doesn't have any mention of the kids which chimney sweeps never worked without after the advent of coal fires with the subsequent narrowing of flues. Again I'm wondering if songwriters found the subject too harrowing or macabre for a song. The kids often got stuck and suffocated to death, or burned alive in chimney fires (they were sometimes sent up burning chimneys with nothing but a damp cloth to try and put it out). I wonder if there was a common, unspoken shame about the whole practice, even as people accepted the sight of a boy disappearing up the flue when they had their chimney cleaned.