The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172115   Message #4165215
Posted By: Rapparee
14-Feb-23 - 08:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
The planes were asked to shoot the Lake Huron one down but couldn't get the guns to bear correctly.

What gets me are the politicians complaining that Biden didn't order the first thing, the balloon, shot down and are now bitching that he overreacted.

I don't understand the need for surveillance balloons to start wigth. If you want to see Malmstrom AFB from above use Google Earth. If the satellites whizzing around overhead, no matter who they belong to, aren't at least as good as Google Earth they were sold a bad bill of goods.