The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172123   Message #4165822
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Feb-23 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Still Hope for Humanity
Subject: RE: BS: Still Hope for Humanity
Yep. My car often thinks it's going to crash into something and alarms me with a huge, flashing and beeping red-alert. I've yet to work out in any single instance what it was that the car thought I was going to crash into. I've had this car for five months now and I still can't get used to the fact that it has an electronic parking brake (instead of a handbrake) that's supposed to come on every time I stop (except that there are occasional circumstances when it doesn't: I've yet to glean why that it is...). After all this time I still instinctively reach for the handbrake lever every time I pull up...

And a cautionary tale: the reverse parking sensor on my last car suddenly stopped working, which I discovered when I was one inch from backing into a garage door. The car was one week outside its three-year warranty. Try trusting your parking sensors again after that.

I can't help thinking that humanity needs to stay alive to its surroundings at least in minimal ways, despite all the "conveniences" of modern automation...