The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31868   Message #416678
Posted By: annamill
13-Mar-01 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
Subject: RE: BS: Help! I'm Moving My Pussies...
When I was young, our family had a cat Named Sugar. He and I were very close. He would wake me in the morning by putting his paws under my head and shaking it. He would wait for me on the front porch until I came home from school and then race me to the top of the stairs to our apartment.

When we moved, we brought him along but he wasn't happy. One day he disappeared for about 3 days and of course I was heartbroken. My mother had a brainstorm and we went back to the old apartment and walked around psss-psssing and calling his name. After about 5 minutes, out comes Sugar so very happy to see me, purring and rubbing hisself around and around my legs. We brought him back home to the new place, but the next day he was gone again. This happened many times and we always went to get him.

One day he just wasn't there..and we never saw him again.

So, if one of your cats disappear after you move, be sure to go and check your old place. We moved a good distance from the old place and we were amazed that Sugar could find his way back from so far a distance. But he did.

Just a warning.

Love, annamill