The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166089   Message #4169083
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
02-Apr-23 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: uk revival and Agents
Subject: RE: uk revival and Agents
I attempted to join the Oglesby Winder agency. It came to nothing, mainly because they shut down, and I thought I could do better on my own. As I remember, I discovered the agency was generally disliked. They used to send quite insulting newsletters to club organisers, telling them not to approach their artists directly and to have fewer singers' nights. The result was several phone calls to the agency turned into out-and-out slanging matches. One such caller, Jim McPhee started his own agency and took on Jake Thackray, and eventually Martin Carthy. Jim was not much better, unfortunately. The Dingles Folk File was a bit disorganised, and left me stranded in Oxford on one occasion, having booked us into an RAF serviceman's night out. I decided a long time ago that agencies did more harm than good, and to be in total control of all aspects of your musical life. I think it will become clear to anybody in any area of the music business, that being a good singer or musician does not get you work. You need to be equally good at selling your abilities, and that has written off any number of acts who just can not be bothered to fight for their place in the queue. It depends on how much you want to be a singer, and what you are prepared to undergo to get there. Agents are only of use if you are getting so much work that you cannot organise your schedule. Ask Jacey Bedford, she will tell you the same thing. Better still read her article 'Why you do not need an agent'.