The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166089   Message #4169148
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
03-Apr-23 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: uk revival and Agents
Subject: RE: uk revival and Agents
I got a call from one agent asking me if I fancied pretending to be Irish for ten minutes. Apparently BBC radio was doing a series on Irish music in England.

Why would they ask me, I enquired. Well apparently I had been doing 'Irish' venues for about ten years for the agent. Another agent asked me to play at the NEC at an exhibition for Irish exports.
Both those gigs would have been good opportunities for an echt Deutsch Irishman/woman.

The point is, that because all kinds of odd sods turn to agents to sort out their needs - I would always advise performers to make agents aware of them and to do some work for them. Opportunities will come your way that you wouldn't have encountered just snuffling round with folkies. THe same goes for taking THe Stage.

of course if you're a folk megastar, you don't have to hustle to bring home the bacon, but for us sadly normal people occupying a very ordinary space in the world. if folk music is what you've decided to do with your life - you can't let the Lilliputians stop you.