The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9339   Message #4169183
Posted By: GUEST,Elizabeth Block, by email to Joe Offer
03-Apr-23 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: Lyrics/Chords ADD:Jerusalem of Gold (Naomi Shemer)
Subject: RE: Lyrics/Chords ADD:Jerusalem of Gold (Naomi Shemer)
Naomi Shemer wrote "Jerusalem the Golden," or "Jerusalem of Gold," shortly after the 1967 Six-Day War. Hugely popular among Israeli Jews and their supporters. But it portrays Jerusalem as an empty city until the Jews conquered it. I finally wrote new words. The tune was adapted from a Basque folk tune.

Jerushalayim shel zahav
(New lyrics by Elizabeth Block)

At the gate of the old city
A troop of soldiers stands,
To stop the people who are trying
To go on living on their lands.

This city, home to many peoples,
Now is held in thrall.
Friends and kinfolk are divided
By the apartheid wall.

Jerushalayim shel zahav,
A place of pilgrimage,
They're not allowed to go there
Though it's their heritage.

Jerushalayim shel zahav,
Built of golden stone,
They cannot walk its streets
But it is still their own.

In their dreams they see the city,
The place they once called home,
But Jewish settlers dispossessed them
And sent them forth to roam.

Their great-grandfathers built these houses,
The houses where they were born.
The Jewish families who live there
Would only treat them with scorn. (Chorus)

From distant lands, Jewish settlers
Came to rule the town.
The olive trees that stood in silence
Poisoned or cut down.

Forbidden now to all but Jews
By soldiers and police,
This city, holy to three faiths,
Whose very name means peace. (Chorus)

"The olive trees that stood in silence" comes from the original song. And I have seen poisoned olive trees.