The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166089   Message #4169382
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
06-Apr-23 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: uk revival and Agents
Subject: RE: uk revival and Agents
The thread topic is to what extent are agents responsible for the present state of the UKFOLKREVIVAL?

Indians are okay as long as they bang on their tablas, twang on their sitars. You're just fine, Al, and I love the link you posted to. You are correct. (And to others taking affront and saying "you don't know" - a protest is no answer. Show us.) Al hit the nail on the head, music is made by the entire population - and different cultures bring richness to the music experience. (It's the same all over - note the music produced by Norah Jones, whose father was the sitar-playing Ravi Shankar.)

It it isn't just agents impacting any music, it's artists having agency.