The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168014   Message #4169575
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Apr-23 - 06:09 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround-On Zoom Mondays!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays!
Ray Nichol send some pretty good advice for online singing sessions:


The following apply to most live sessions:

• Switch your settings to have microphone and video off when joining a session.
• Check your equipment and settings before joining meetings to save time.

• Be conscious of background environments and others in the room. ?
• Computers used should be in appropriate areas, and where possible be against a neutral background. ?
• Cameras may be turned off if other distractions in the household may a disruption. ?

• In any meeting the Host is in charge, let them deal with any questions do not butt in unless asked.

• Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background.

• Be polite and remember the other people are sitting in their own homes.

• Save non-relevant discussion for elsewhere.

• Remember that most people will know the history of songs etc, no need to tell the full story every time.

• Make use of 'Chat' to ask for information on tunes privately, or to post the information on your performance.

• Repeats are fine but remember some people may have heard the same one last time.

• Possibly keep a note of your own performances to help you plan for next time.

• Try not to practice during someone else’s performance, and mute to tune up.

• Do not post links to other sessions without permission.

• If you join a session give it your full attention, joining just to perform is very rude.

• Even if there is no time limit, don't drone on.

• Choose pieces that are of an appropriate length, don't expect a welcome back if you go on for 15 minutes.

• There is no such thing as constructive criticism on Zoom sessions. Keep it to yourself.

• If you are late for the session, you can still join but expect to be at end of list.

• Participants are expected to adhere to Club rules and maintain appropriate behaviour.

• On most sessions, No Politics or Religion, Zoom groups are very mixed everyone is entitled to their own views.


• Sessions should NOT to be recorded on any device unless permission is granted.
• If any members would like a recording of 'their performance only' please ask Host who may send you the video file. (if you ask, we will let you record your own performance at the Mudcat Singaround, but please keep conversation and disturbances related to recording at a minimum).

We've been doing this Mudcat Worldwide Singaround for almost 3 years now, and we're still having fun. Come join us on Zoom Mondays. We start at noon Los Angeles time, which is 3 PM in New York and 8 PM in London. Doors open about half an hour earlier.

Please remember to keep song introductions short and between-song conversations at a minimum. I got a lot of complaints last week because I let some newcomers prattle on. So, folks, quit prattling. People tend to think it's boring. And if you feel driven to give tech advice, please refrain. If you're giving advice to a singer, our tech people can't talk to them. So, HUSH!!