The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3004   Message #4170988
Posted By: Holly Tannen
28-Apr-23 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: Songs about getting really old? - 1
Subject: These Are The Days
Tune: Those Were The Days. (I had to rewrite it because the line "we'd live the life we choose" was making me crazy.)

After two years closed due to Covid, Lark Music Camp is happening in the Mendocino Woodlands again this year! (July 28-August 5th) But will it be the same?

Once upon a time we’d go to Lark Camp
Hugging all the old friends that we knew
Drinking chai and coffee at the Mullah’s *
Boasting of the great things we would do.
        Those were the days, my friend
        We thought they'd never end
        We'd sing and dance forever and a day
        We'd live the life we chose
        And wear our hippie clothes
        Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.

All those Irish tunes with pipes and fiddles
All the jokes that now we can’t recall
Playing our accordions and banjos
Singing with the Brunos and John Paul.
        Those were the days, my friend
        We thought they'd never end
        We'd eat and drink forever and a day
        We'd play the tunes we knew
        And sing a song or two
        For we were young and we knew how to play.

At the Woodlands there’s familiar laughter
Saw your face and heard you call my name
Many friends have gone to the hereafter
But the joyful music’s still the same.

        These are the days, my friend
        We hope they'll never end
        We won’t give up our happy hippie ways   
        Our kids will carry on
        When all of us are gone
        These are the days, oh yes these are the days.

*The Coffeehouse of the Mullah Nasrudin's Donkey