The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172371   Message #4171887
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-May-23 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Lorcan & Genie Otway [InObu] losing theater
Subject: RE: Lorcan and Genie Otway [InObu]
Lorcan told me about that the last time I saw them in New York. The whole neighborhood has been bought up by investors who were trying anything they could to leverage their power and get the theater out of the way. It sounds like they found some devious way to finally accomplish what they wanted.

Long before I knew about Mudcat or knew Lorcan I lived in New York and went to movies at the Theater 80 St. Marks.

A Greenwich Village friend sent me an email last week with the information that they had been locked out - so it isn't just out of their home, but it sounds like with nothing out of the apartment either. They have an amazing home and collections. email from viewed in browser.