The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172378   Message #4172013
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-May-23 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Damned Eurovision...
Subject: BS: Damned Eurovision...
Absolutely not my kind of music on show, ever. And I certainly haven't been watching these pesky semifinals. But I can't help meself. I watch the bloody thing on Saturday night every year, get all animated about who should win and what's utter crap, etc., and absolutely love to slag off Graham e**ing Norton. One year, we even had a party-with-sweepstake on it. Ye gods. But I'll be there on Saturday night, spag bol on knee, bottle of red to hand (essential for getting through it - the corkscrew will be on standby just in case a second bottle is called for...)

Wouldn't miss it for the world. It brings people together, it's in Liverpool fer chrissake, one of the world's friendliest and most inclusive cities (with the greatest football club in the history of humanity) and it's in honour of Ukraine. Be there or be square!