The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81397   Message #4172758
Posted By: GUEST,Bob Coltman
21-May-23 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: TONIGHT FROM TEN TO ONE bawdy song
Subject: RE: Origins: TONIGHT FROM TEN TO ONE bawdy song
My only clue to 'Tonight From Ten to One's origins: I learned it from a fellow Dartmouth student, Bill Edgerton in Hanover NH, I think in the winter of 1958 or 59.

I should have been more curious at the time; I never asked Bill where he got the song. Chances of tracing down Bill at this late date are approximately nil. I did not know him well. He was a year or two ahead of me, I think, but am not sure. We had a memorable icy winter camp in the New Hampshire woods, having winched his jeep up over a succession of enormous boulders to reach the spot, where we built a good warm fire, ate,had some booze and some songs.

It would be nice if Bill read this site, and could reply to this query, but he never considered himself a folksinger, so, I'm afraid, it's unlikely he will see this thread.

Good luck, John, in digging out more background if you can; that's all I know.

Best wishes, Bob