The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172412   Message #4172986
Posted By: Steve Shaw
24-May-23 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who or what do you trust?
Subject: RE: BS: Who or what do you trust?
If you don't trust someone it means that you suspect their motives. I have no idea why most composers were moved to write most of their particular pieces. There are exceptions, of course, for example in the case of a composer fulfilling a commission, but even then I don't know why they chose particular notes or harmonies or rhythms, etc. I've played with a good few bunches of musicians, and I see various levels of ego emerging at times, or simply just wilfulness (as with one bloke who, despite our desires, always tried to force us into playing very fast just because he could...). So I don't see where the concept of trust comes into this. There's tacit agreements all round, spiced with bonhomie, and that carries the day. If I go for a wee, I trust the banjo player sitting next to me not to take a swig of my pint.

Music is art, and art is, first and foremost, one of the highest flights of human communication. If that isn't the primary motive of music, to me it's sullied. I see far too much ego in the music of Liszt and Wagner and I won't listen. But I dislike Wagner for other reasons to do with his detestable racist attitudes, so can I trust my own judgement?

And I can't stand that whiny, twangy, endless Indian music. Trust me, I hate it.