The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171977   Message #4173729
Posted By: Raggytash
03-Jun-23 - 07:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Joke thread for 2023
Subject: RE: BS: Joke thread for 2023
I think it was lost some time ago.

A vicar and his wife decided they wanted a new dog so he sets off to the rescue home, with his wifes reminder that although they would like a god with some religious connotatations he should not come home with a St Bernard.

At the rescue centre he descibes what they would like to the owner again stressing they did not want a St Bernard,

The chap says I've got just the dog for you, but it's not out here in the pound I've got it inside the house.

So the vicar and the owner walk into the house to be greeted by a beautiful little King Charles Spaniel, thats a bonny little dog says the vicar, a bit monarchal for my taste, but whats the religious connotation?

Watch this says the owner and calls out "Bible" to the dog which promptly trots off to his library and returned with a bible.

Fine says the vicar it can play fetch, but so can most dogs. No no say the owners watch this "Dueteronomy" he call, the dog flicks the pages to Dueteronomy. "Ruth" says the owner, the dog flicks the pages of the bible to Ruth. "Malachi" says the owner and once again the dog flicks the pages to Malachi.

Thats amazing says the vicar, how much do you want for it. £100 says the owner. Done says the vicar.

So with his new dog he sets of back to the manse to show his wife the new dog.

When he arrives his wife is delighted with bonny little dog and thinks it is absolutely wonderful but then she says to him I know it's a bonny little dog but what is the religious connotation Ah says the vicar watch this "Bible!" he shout and the dog runs off to his library and fetches back the bible.

Thats grand says his wife it can play fetch, oh thats nothing says the vicar watch this."Lamentations" says the vicar the dog flicks open the pages to Lamentation. "Exodus" again the dog gets to the right page, "Genesis" again the dog gets the right page.

That is astonishing says his wife, amazing. I wonder if it can do and normal doggy things. Don't know says the vicar I not tried any "Heel" the calls ................. the dog jumps up puts both it's paws on the heads and goes Ommmmmm!!