The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172470   Message #4174361
Posted By: Thomas Stern
11-Jun-23 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: Hidden Villages in Britain
Subject: Hidden Villages in Britain
I've watched a few episodes of this series, available for
streaming on FREEVEE. Hosted by Penelope Keith (you may
remember her from Britcoms THE GOOD NEIGHBORS and TO THE
Beautifully filmed showing magnificent British landscapes
(and seascapes), a couple of the shows I've watched include
Folk Traditions and celebrations such as the Abbots-Bromley
Horn dance, and others (hobby horse). So far have no focus
on music traditions other than the music accompanying
the various celebrations.
Americans may know Abbots Bromley from its presentation in
THE REVELS, founded by John Langstaff and performed in Boston,
New York, San Francisco, Washington DC.....

Not always pleased with the narration, but it is beautiful
to watch.

Has anyone else seen the series - perhaps point out some of the
more interesting folkloric segments ?????

Cheers, Thomas.