The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172445   Message #4174404
Posted By: MaJoC the Filk
12-Jun-23 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: obvious pain control methods
Subject: RE: BS: obvious pain control methods
> There is a non medicinal method - adrenaline.

Internally administered only, I do profoundly hope. In the 1950s, before better drugs were available for treating asthma, little green spray bottles of adrenaline were handed out to severe-case patients. (My case was deemed minor enough to not need that.) This proved in practice to yield two side-effects: an absolutely raging hair-trigger temper, and a complete adoration of the little green bottle. Nowadays, adrenaline is reserved for use in hospitals in last-ditch treatments.

I experienced this at close quarters in the 1970s, when less dangerous treatments had become available. The victim point-blank refused to give up the little green bottle, despite being told it was harming him; only the doctors at the hospital could get through to him.

.... Come to think, even internally-administered adrenaline can be addictive: many obnoxious politicians come to mind as possible adrenaline junkies.