The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6990   Message #41747
Posted By: Big Mick
15-Oct-98 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: Loyalist (Ulster) songs
Subject: RE: Loyalist (Ulster) songs
Aye, Pete, I must agree with you. I feel that it is only when you expose views to the light of debate/analysis that you are able to apply your values system and make well reasoned decisions as to the subject matter portrayed. I actually find value in holding racist/sexist and whatever othe "ists" up to the light of scrutiny of people of honest intentions. Despots from Cromwell to Hitler, from the US Army (with regard to Native Americans) to Milosevich have all taught us that when you attempt to wipe out something you hate, you most generally are contributing to its ability to outlive your attempt.

All the best,
