The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172485   Message #4175111
Posted By: Helen
21-Jun-23 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Clerical Abuse of Children
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
This is relevant to the topic:

A creepy dirty old man thinking about sex thinking about sex in a normal, everyday environment near other people, including girls and women, just going about their daily business, oblivious to his creepy, dirty thoughts.

Maybe this is not unusual for some (or even most?) men, to think about sex in normal, everyday situations, but to crow about it and make it into a big joke on a public music-related forum, open to all people of all ages. Is that normal and healthy or is it creepy and dirty?

And then to act self righteous about the comments posted by other Mudcat members?