The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172487   Message #4175246
Posted By: and e
22-Jun-23 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)

Oh have you ever seen Sally make water
She pisses a wonderful stream
And it goes for a mile and a quarter
You cant see her ass for the steam

She turned her ass up towards heaven
And she let out a wonderful pee
It look like a cave in the mountain
And it smelled like dead fish in the sea

Someone asks: "Is that all of that?"
Harper McBee's response: "Hell ain't that enough? My God!"

Transcribed from "Sally Make Water" sung by Hamper McBee. The youtube video is from
The Good Old-Fashioned Way: Hamper McBee of Monteagle, Tennessee.
The recordings on the CD were done by Charles Wolfe and Sol Korine in 1977-78
and the original field recordings are located in the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)
Center for Popular Music archive.

See youtube video here:

The CD is available on Amazon here: