The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172487   Message #4175288
Posted By: GUEST,and e (no cookie)
23-Jun-23 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: ADD: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (bawdy)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Did You Ever See Sally Make Water (PG13)
Did you ever see Sally make water?
She pisses a beautifull stream
she can piss a mile and quater
she's a regular pissing machine

From New York in the 1940s

Did you ever see Sally make water?
She pisses a beautifull stream
she can piss a mile and quater
you can't see her ass for the steam.

From Florica in the 1960s.

Have you seen our Sally make water
She sits and makes a flowing strream
She piddles 3 pints and a quarter
And you can't see her bottom for the steam

From an internet commentator, no date specified.

Three texts and provenances from Young-Girls in Echoland by Heather Warren-Crow and Andrea Jonsson.