The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172485   Message #4175898
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Jun-23 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: Clerical Abuse of Children
Subject: RE: Clerical Abuse of Children
I suppose it's a losing battle, but let me give some of the facts from the Guardian story. The Guardian reporter dressed the story up to give it more impact, and then Raggytash did even more.

The offenses in question took place between 1966 and 1979. The offending priest is now 91 years old, and has been retired since 2002. His offenses became known to the archdiocese in 1999, and they were reported to law enforcement sometime between 1999 and 2002.

I'm not sure what motivates Raggytash, but every few years he feels compelled to start a new thread about the clerical abuse of children. The story is always the same, impassioned outrage about offenses that took place decades earlier. Raggytash expresses outrage that FOUR archbishops "covered up" these offenses. I'm wondering what what it is these bishops did to cover up the offenses, and whether these are present or long-past bishops. The priest retired in 2002, after it was publicly stated that he was reported to have molested children. After that, he was no longer employed by the archdiocese, and probably no longer being observed. I retired from my own job in 1999, and haven't heard from my employer since about 2002 - although I'm still receiving a pension. I imagine it's the same for the priest in this story.

I don't deny the seriousness of the offenses and I find the molestation of children by clergy to be particularly deplorable, but I do want to point out that the offenses took place over 40 years ago, and the priest was removed from ministry over 20 years ago. You can find the facts on this and other cases at

So, Raggytash, next time you want to make a sensation about clerical abuse of children, why not just find an old thread you've started and post a new message with the word "ditto" in the body of the message? Some of us have been working against the crime of clerical abuse of children since it first was reported in the National Catholic Reporter in 1983. Raggytash, where have you been? Where were you when we were sounding the alarm back in 1983?

And as for Donuel, he's had his head up his ass since 1986, and hasn't seen the light of day since them.
