The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31952   Message #417602
Posted By: Allan C.
14-Mar-01 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: Where to sing in Virginia
Subject: RE: Where to sing in Virginia
I presume you are talking about something other than open mike stuff.

Charlottesville, Virginia has a couple of coffee shops that might be interested. However, because you are an "unknown entity" I can't imagine how you would go about talking your way into a gig there.

The same could be said of Harrisonburg. Both places are "university towns" and have some venues.

I wish I were in a position to promote you at those places; but cannot because I no longer live in the area. Perhaps Mrrzy, (a Virginia Mudcatter,) could be more helpful.

You mention that you are folkies. What manner of folk music do you perform?