The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172524   Message #4176144
Posted By: Joe Offer
05-Jul-23 - 03:43 PM
Thread Name: Origins: James Grant (Child #197)
Subject: Origins: James Grant (Child #197)
We've never had a thread on this one, and I think it could use some research.

'Away with you, away with you, James de Grant!
And, Douglas, ye'll be slain;
Fir Baddindalloch's at your gates,
With many brave Highland men.'

'Ballindalloch has no feud at me,
And I have none at him;
Cast up my gates baith broad and wide,
Let Ballindalloch in.'

'James de Grant has made a vaunt,
And leaped the castle wa;
But, if he comes this way again,
He'll no win sae well awa.

'Take him, take him, brave Gordons,
O take him fine fellows a';
If he wins but a mile to the Highland hills,
He'll defy you Gordons a'.'

Child #197
from Child from Motherwell
@Scottish @historical
In 1628, John Grant of Ballindalloch killed John Grant of Carron. James Grant
(uncle) did some raiding and escaped both capture and from prison several times.
He was eventually pardoned in 1639.
filename[ JAMEGRAN

Ballad Index Entry:

James Grant [Child 197]

DESCRIPTION: James Grant is besieged; he tells his attackers, the folk of Ballindalloch, that he has no quarrel with them. Despite this, he is forced to the hills
AUTHOR: unknown
KEYWORDS: feud fight escape
1628 - John Grant of Carron killed by John Grant of Ballindalloch
1630 - James Grant of Carron, the uncle of John Grant, takes revenge on Ballindalloch and turns outlaw. The authorities authorize Clan Chattan to bring him to justice, and later others, but none could catch him. In 1639 Grant made peace with the king
FOUND IN: Britain(Scotland)
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Child 197, "James Grant" (1 text)
Roud #3918
NOTES [40 words]: This ballad exists only in a fragment -- so brief that it is hard to be certain that it pertains to the events described, let alone which phase of the chase is mentioned. Child's notes say just about all there is to say about the piece. - RBW
File: C197

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There's nothing at

And I don't see anything in Bronson, so maybe there isn't a known melody.