The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #171977   Message #4176332
Posted By: Bill D
07-Jul-23 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Joke thread for 2023
Subject: RE: BS: Joke thread for 2023
Guy owns a small circus. One day a small fellow walks in and asks for a job.
"Doing what?" the owner asks, "We have plenty of help."

"Oh, I want to join the circus", the little guy says, "I have an act."

"What do you do?", replies the owner, "we already have clowns and acrobats and most of the usual acts."

"Let's go out into the arena, and I'll show you.",the little man says.
So they walked to the center ring and little guy goes to the center pole and shinnys up it almost to the top. He swings from one of the cables and launches himself out into space! He begins flapping his arms and soars around the tent, dipping and looping as he flaps furiously. Finally, he makes a long, graceful dive and lands carefully right at the feet of the owner.

"So?" remarks the owner," that's all you do... bird imitations?"